Configuring Application Settings

Application settings need to be configured in appsettings.json or your deployment host.

File Purpose
AutomaticallyApplyEfMigrations true to automatically apply Entity Framework migrations. If this is set to false, EF migrations must be manually applied. This setting is ignored for non-relational databases like the in-memory provider.
LogOutInactiveDeviceDays The number of days of inactivity (no contact) before a device is logged out.
RequireEmailVerification true to require users to verify their emails before they log in.
RequireTwoFactorForNewUsers true to require two-factor email authentication for new users. It does not change existing users.
SiteUrlRootForEmails The root URL used in emails. This should be the base URL where the Angular app is hosted from (e.g., https://localhost:4200/ in development).
UseSameSiteStrictCookies true to use SameSite strict cookies. Set this to false if debugging the front-end from a different URL root (like http://localhost:4200/ for Angular).