
When a user logs into the back-end they have the option for their device to be remembered across sessions. This is done by setting a refresh token cookie in the response to successful login requests.

Learn more about authentication in this article.

What Is A Device?

In the context of LightNap, a device is a single logged-in user session tracked across multiple browser sessions. The term isn’t completely precise as a given device may have multiple browsers and/or browser profiles that are viewed as separate devices since they all manage their own cookies.

The Relationship Between Devices And Refresh Tokens

The front-end device and back-end refresh token are the same thing. The naming just varies based on the perspective of the front-end user and the back-end developer.

Users interact with devices by viewing a list of the places they’ve logged in from. If they revoke a device, it tells the back-end to flag that refresh token as revoked so that future attempts to retrieve an access token with them will be rejected.

Revoking a device does not log it out until its access token expires, which can take up to 120 minutes based on the default settings.